This shot looks directly at the front of the building towards the back. The front part of the building (the large area in the shape of a diamond) is the showroom.

This shot shows one of the entrance ramps into the showroom. From this angle, you are looking directly across the showroom floor.

From this angle, you are looking from the very back of the building towards the front. This long rectangular area is the service area. The service area is huge, measuring 80 feet across and allowing us to house six 24 foot Supra SSVs inside with the service doors closed!

This is a side shot looking out across the service area.

This is our traditional shot from across the street. The building is pointing almost directly at where I am standing. The building is in the shape of a large arrow. The point of the arrow is the showroom, and the back of the arrow is the service department.
Confused? Hopefully I can start posting building construction pictures next week!
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